Activity Forums Questions & Troubleshooting SPI communication via pinheader

  • SPI communication via pinheader

     Lukas updated 3 years ago 2 Members · 2 Posts
  • adrajet

    June 24, 2021 at 7:15 am

    I’m trying to get an arduino-project to work with the controllino maxi automation. It communicates with an external counter-chip (LS7366r) via SPI.

    The following setup works with an Arduino Uno:

    Arduino -> LS7366

    D11 -> MOSI

    D12 -> MISO

    D13 -> SCK

    D3 -> SS

    +5V -> +5V

    GND -> GND

    Now I tried switching to Controllino Maxi Automation with the following setup:

    Arduino -> LS7366




    D4 -> SS / alternativly PINOUT_SS -> SS

    PINOUT_+5V -> +5V


    The code is a simple test-sketch by Jason Traud, it works fine with the arduino, e.g. I get a reading. With the Controllino setup the connection doesn’t work / no reading.

    I’m kind of stuck here so I would really appreciate any help 🙂



    Dual LS7366 Quadrature Counter Test Code

    AUTHOR: Jason Traud

    DATE: June 22, 2013

    This is a simple test program to read encoder counts

    collected by the LS7366 breakout board. The counts are

    then displayed in the Arduino’s serial monitor at a

    baud rate of 9600

    Hardware: Arduino Uno R3


    LS7366 Breakout ————- Arduino

    —————– ——-

    MOSI ——————- SDO (D11)

    MISO ——————- SDI (D12)

    SCK ——————- SCK (D13)

    SS1 ——————- SS1 (D7)

    SS2 ——————- SS2 (D8)

    GND ——————- GND

    VDD ——————- VCC (5.0V)

    License: CCAv3.0 Attribution-ShareAlike (

    You’re free to use this code for any venture. Attribution is greatly appreciated.



    // Inclde the standard Arduino SPI Library, please ensure the SPI pins are

    // connected properly for your Arduino version

    #include <Controllino.h>

    #include <SPI.h>

    // Slave Select pins for encoders 1 and 2

    // Feel free to reallocate these pins to best suit your circuit

    //Controllino version:

    const int slaveSelectEnc1 = CONTROLLINO_D4;

    const int slaveSelectEnc2 = CONTROLLINO_D6;

    //Arduino version:

    //const int slaveSelectEnc1 = 3;

    //const int slaveSelectEnc2 = 4;

    // These hold the current encoder count.

    signed long encoder1count = 0;

    signed long encoder2count = 0;

    void initEncoders() {

    // Set slave selects as outputs

    pinMode(slaveSelectEnc1, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(slaveSelectEnc2, OUTPUT);

    // Raise select pins

    // Communication begins when you drop the individual select signsl




    // Initialize encoder 1

    // Clock division factor: 0

    // Negative index input

    // free-running count mode

    // x4 quatrature count mode (four counts per quadrature cycle)

    // NOTE: For more information on commands, see datasheet

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc1,LOW); // Begin SPI conversation

    SPI.transfer(0x88); // Write to MDR0

    SPI.transfer(0x03); // Configure to 4 byte mode

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc1,HIGH); // Terminate SPI conversation

    // Initialize encoder 2

    // Clock division factor: 0

    // Negative index input

    // free-running count mode

    // x4 quatrature count mode (four counts per quadrature cycle)

    // NOTE: For more information on commands, see datasheet

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc2,LOW); // Begin SPI conversation

    SPI.transfer(0x88); // Write to MDR0

    SPI.transfer(0x03); // Configure to 4 byte mode

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc2,HIGH); // Terminate SPI conversation


    long readEncoder(int encoder) {

    // Initialize temporary variables for SPI read

    unsigned int count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4;

    long count_value;

    // Read encoder 1

    if (encoder == 1) {

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc1,LOW); // Begin SPI conversation

    SPI.transfer(0x60); // Request count

    count_1 = SPI.transfer(0x00); // Read highest order byte

    count_2 = SPI.transfer(0x00);

    count_3 = SPI.transfer(0x00);

    count_4 = SPI.transfer(0x00); // Read lowest order byte

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc1,HIGH); // Terminate SPI conversation


    // Read encoder 2

    else if (encoder == 2) {

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc2,LOW); // Begin SPI conversation

    SPI.transfer(0x60); // Request count

    count_1 = SPI.transfer(0x00); // Read highest order byte

    count_2 = SPI.transfer(0x00);

    count_3 = SPI.transfer(0x00);

    count_4 = SPI.transfer(0x00); // Read lowest order byte

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc2,HIGH); // Terminate SPI conversation


    // Calculate encoder count

    count_value = (count_1 << 8) + count_2;

    count_value = (count_value << 8) + count_3;

    count_value = (count_value << 8) + count_4;

    return count_value;


    void clearEncoderCount() {

    // Set encoder1’s data register to 0

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc1,LOW); // Begin SPI conversation

    // Write to DTR


    // Load data

    SPI.transfer(0x00); // Highest order byte



    SPI.transfer(0x00); // lowest order byte

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc1,HIGH); // Terminate SPI conversation

    delayMicroseconds(100); // provides some breathing room between SPI conversations

    // Set encoder1’s current data register to center

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc1,LOW); // Begin SPI conversation


    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc1,HIGH); // Terminate SPI conversation

    // Set encoder2’s data register to 0

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc2,LOW); // Begin SPI conversation

    // Write to DTR


    // Load data

    SPI.transfer(0x00); // Highest order byte



    SPI.transfer(0x00); // lowest order byte

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc2,HIGH); // Terminate SPI conversation

    delayMicroseconds(100); // provides some breathing room between SPI conversations

    // Set encoder2’s current data register to center

    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc2,LOW); // Begin SPI conversation


    digitalWrite(slaveSelectEnc2,HIGH); // Terminate SPI conversation


    void setup() {

    Serial.begin(9600); // Serial com for data output

    initEncoders(); Serial.println(“Encoders Initialized…”);

    clearEncoderCount(); Serial.println(“Encoders Cleared…”);


    void loop() {


    // Retrieve current encoder counters

    encoder1count = readEncoder(1);

    encoder2count = readEncoder(2);

    Serial.print(“Enc1: “); Serial.print(encoder1count); Serial.print(” Enc2: “); Serial.println(encoder2count);


  • Lukas

    July 21, 2021 at 12:01 pm

    Please check our FAQ No. 7. I hope this will solve your trouble.

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