• serial lines

     Lukas updated 4 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Posts
  • tottig

    November 24, 2019 at 11:23 am


    Using Serial.print I can send data via the USB connector.

    What do I need to use in order to send data via the serial pins on X1/TXD and X2/TXD2 (MAXI Automation) ?

    Is data sent via Serial.print also available at the X1/X2 pins?

  • Lukas

    March 9, 2020 at 12:32 pm


    the Serial sends data also to the pin TX / X1. It is the same UART which is forwarded to the USB. But, be careful – when you connect to TX and RX pins on X1 you can have some troubles during sketch upload then.

    TX2 and RX2 are connected to Serial2. Just use it in the same way like Serial … Serial2.print …

    Best regards,


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