Activity Forums Questions & Troubleshooting Hardware Reading 2,5v on output pin

  • Reading 2,5v on output pin

     Jarda updated 4 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 3 Posts
  • klema

    April 29, 2020 at 4:59 am


    So I am controlling stepper driver with my Controllino Automation. The stepper dir and pul can be driven with 5v. But when I measure the voltage going from plc to dir terminal, it only reads 2,5V. Why would that be so?

    I am using digital output 3 pin on Maxi Automation.

  • klema

    April 29, 2020 at 5:03 am

    I should say it does work. The driver changes the motor direction even tough it says it works with 5v.

  • Jarda

    May 18, 2020 at 10:46 am


    good, that it is working now.

    Please be care full, on we call “pin header” (top side) there is 5V logic and the screw terminal at sides there is input voltage 12 or 24V.



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