Activity Forums Questions & Troubleshooting PoStep60-256 with Controllino Maxi

  • PoStep60-256 with Controllino Maxi

  • EduDor001

    April 12, 2023 at 4:18 pm

    i am pretty new to this so this question may be stupid to some of you, but i want to control my PoStep60-256 Stepper driver via rs485 with my controllino. Somehow i cant get it to work. Maybe someone can help with it.

    BR Markus

  • Jarda

    April 26, 2023 at 7:44 am

    Hello Markus,

    could you please be more specific about what exactly is not working? Please check the proper connection of A and B signals. Also please check the RS485 termination resistor – this shall be done externally. Also check the communication speed and all commands.

    Sometimes it is good to use some USB-RS485 converter and try it via PC so you are sure that you fully understand the communication and the PoStep is working and then connect the Controllino.



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