Activity Forums Questions & Troubleshooting Software & Firmware CONTROLLINO MEGA Digital 20 is now pin 77. Don´t work.

  • CONTROLLINO MEGA Digital 20 is now pin 77. Don´t work.

     Lukas updated 4 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 2 Posts
  • tickoff

    October 26, 2019 at 6:20 pm


    In the readme-file for version 3.0.5 you can read: “All CONTROLLINO pins have Arduino number now!”

    “PD4 – CONTROLLINO MEGA Digital 20 is now pin 77”.

    But “digitalWrite(77, HIGH);” don´t work, what can I do?

  • Lukas

    January 20, 2020 at 12:34 pm


    what do you mean that it doesn´t work? Problem with compilation, or the output is not working? Have you called the pinMode() properly?

    Maybe you can share your sketch and more details with us!



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