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Hello Laurent,
yes, it’s possible.
You can create a hex export from within the IDE, send this to the site and there import it using a command line tool.
Details see here:
Good luck!
Michael -
Hi, my spontaneous idea:
wire a branch of the +24V to a digital input port (maybe even an analog one). This input port then changes to High, when the 24V becomes active, and goes Low again, when 24V is off, but power remains by USB.
Then define an event “Input switches Low->High” to run your init routine.
Good luck
ooppss … never cared about, never took values; it is working “as is”, just a resistor between signal and ground. -
Hi, we’ve had a similar job a few weeks ago: a laser for distance measurement, operating on 24V, gives 4-20 mA, that the Controllino shall read as analogInput.
The manufacturer offers an adaptor cabling with a 250 Ohm shunt between the laser’s signal output and ground, to produce 0-5 V analog current. Should work on the Controllino’s X1-port, but the mechanical attachment is not really good for single wires … so the 24V ports are preferred.
So for our usage, we modified this resistor into 820 Ohm for 8-16V, and if you would take 1k Ohm, you will end at somewhere about 6-20V.
AnalogRead () now gets values between 80 and 550, that’s a good enough range for our application.
Good luck
Hi, I must admit, I totally forgot this topic – I have sent the Controllino back and received another one, which is working correctly.
But you’re right – the double usage of the same COM port is a bit strange; from another PC with meanwhile dozens of USB-serial-devices I’m used to growing COM port numbers, the counter there has nearly reached the 50 …
Hi, yes, you can – better: you must, if you want to use Inputs or Outputs on 12V – otherweise you only have the top side 5V pins available for use, and not even all of these with full useability, for instance the I2C may not give enough power for multiple devices …
next steps are done: 1st – changed the connectors from the above mentioned “Ax” into Dx” (X1/12..17, X2/12..13) and everything works well.
2nd – so far so good – but why use so many ports? try i2c also for keypad, as we already do have a 20*4 LCD on the bus. Buy pcf8574, connect and check with small test sketches. Everything works fine!
3rd – get into the “real” sketch and … the above mentioned “rogue 1” returns! and the i2c bus freezes, at least regarding the keypad. the LCD is furtheron useable by functions executed from other input sources, especially via ethernet.
It’s not from the other included libraries (ethernet, controllino, accelstepper, spi, eeprom). These I can also include into the working test sketches.
in some other forums i found the bus wiring length as reason mentioned, which might be preventioned by pull-up resistors. but that i first must discuss with my electronis guru before i grill the chips …
btw: wiring might be much shorter if the different designers of the interface boardlets had not interchanged the sequence of vcc and gnd, then i just could piggyback them … so i do need another length of strips in between them
another add-on: the same behaviour ist on execution of the KeyPad sample sketch … so I dare to say it is not the software causing the problem …
next add-on: some debug printlns later, I see that there is a rogue “key 1 pressed” on start of loop (), but only once.
That guides me into “are the ports/pins the correct ones?”
add-on: maybe this can help for analysis since it’s getting a bit darker out here and I had not yet the lights switched on, I just saw by fortune that the A8..A11 LEDs come alight _very_ dimly, when I press keys on the KeyPad.