Forum Replies Created
Hi Johi,
I have forwarded you request to admin of the Forum.
Best regards,
Hello, yes it should be possible, but I am afraid that you have to be experienced programmer to integrate the SICK library into Arduino IDE. Best regards,
Thank you! I will check the PR and merge it.
Best regards,
Hello Ryan, thanks for the link. So, you have checked with PC Modbus Master, that the slave address, register address, baudrate/parity/stop bits is correct?
Please try to disconnect the 5V and supply the sensor from 12/24 V.
What is the behaviour, please? No Modbus response from the sensor, or invalid response … we need more details to support you.
You say weird signs and question marks? Then you have something wrong with the RS845 – baudrate, or swapped +/-.
You have stated “0A 04 00 C0 00 01 30 8D where 0A is the slave address, 04 is my function code, 00C0 is my start address, 0001 is my register count and 308D is my checksum.“
C0 = 12.
this will be tricky and maybe not even possible. You are right that the sensor provides Ethernet interface, but SICK assumes that you will use PLC or PC as the communication master and provides some kind of a library you have to use and also some examples how to do that.
Please download Function block Beckhoff TwinCAT 2.x for 4Dpro devices (Ethernet TCP/IP) here and check. It is only in German …
Best regards,
Hello Ashish,
is the display working fine now?
And what about the buttons? I assume that you connected them to A0 pin at X1 pinheader, right?