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Good day Jarda, Powering the Nextion display is not the issue. I am using an external 5V source to power the display, my issue is with sending information from the controllino to the Nextion display. All I want to do is send a number from a counter variable to a number object on the Nextion display. So far I am unable to do this.
Good day, I recently started work on a project using the Controllino Maxi Automation and a Nextion NX8048K070-011C. So far I am able to use the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor to see the input from a sensor that I have connected to it, however when I try to connect the Nextion display and try to output the numbers that I have being incremented to the Nextion display I m not getting anything going from the Controllino to the Nextion display. I have used both X1 and X2 and it didn’t work the code I tried is shown below:
#include/* Usage of CONTROLLINO library allows you to use CONTROLLINO_xx aliases in your sketch. */ int sensorState = 0;
int bagCount = 0;
int runningBagCount = 0;
int onState = 0;
int offState = 1;
bool flag = true;void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
sensorState = digitalRead(CONTROLLINO_DI0);if (sensorState == onState)
if (sensorState == offState)
flag = true;
}else if (sensorState == onState)
flag = false;
if (sensorState == onState && flag == false)
bagCount = bagCount + 1;
runningBagCount = runningBagCount + 1;
Serial.print(“Number of Bags in Stack: “);Serial.print(bagCount);Serial.print(“n”);
Serial.print(“n0.val=”); // This is sent to the nextion display to set what object name (before the dot) and what atribute (after the dot) are you going to change.
Serial.print(runningBagCount); // This is the value you want to send to that object and atribute mention before.
Serial.write(0xff); // We always have to send this three lines after each command sent to the nextion display.
Serial.print(“Total Number of Bags: “);Serial.print(runningBagCount);Serial.print(“n”);
if (bagCount == 250)
bagCount = 0;
while(sensorState == onState)
sensorState = digitalRead(CONTROLLINO_DI0);
flag = true;
The whole idea is that an inductive sensor will sense something, when it senses something it will increment a counter. There are two counters, a running count and a count that could be set. What I need is that every time the counter increments, this value should be pushed to a field in the nextion HMI. I look forward to your reply