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No there is not. But there is a very simple way to make 5V out of 12V : use a voltage divider, that is 2 resistors in series. The output voltage = the input voltage * R1 / (R1+R2) so if you take 24V – 2K + 1K – GND you will get 4V over the 1 k resistor to GND.
Hello Jeff,
I am not a phyton expert nor a firmata expert, but I have a decent background in C++ and electrical engineering.
The first thing I would do is to figure out in what region the flicker is by some simple experiments.
One of the things hou could do is control a digital IO but not relay with the same code.If then if you see no flicker, a power supply topic can be at the base. You could even decide to power your board at 12.5V to have some margin or make sure it can produce enough amps.
But what kind of power supply do you use, is it a lab supply or something else?
Anyway: I would control digital IO without load and see what it gives. Pending the result you need to look on the PC side or on the Controlllino side.
The relays you see on your drawing are built into a Controllino by the people who developed controllino. I have here a controlino maxi power that has relays that can do 16A.
They are indicated R0-R1-R2. you come from the mains to 1 clamp and then to the other then back to the lamp and then to the mains. Be carefull however with mains voltage, i hope you are aware of the dangers.
It is a bit a pity that this forum does not support drawings, so you can mail me at i info@sylvestersolutions.c-o-m, (remove the – of the address) then i can share a drawing to make a lamp work by mail.
Of course I can, but please take the time to describe in detail what you want to do? I be willing to help you but you must at least take the time to describe your context in detail.
Can you be more specific about the problem you are trying to solve? Is this an application where you want to control things, where you want to monitor things, do you want to control the robot.
Best regards,
Hello Louis_kortel,
In order to help you, i did the following:
I modified the I2C scanner and I downloaded it to my maxi-power.
Then i measured the voltage with my Fluke 117.
I saw varying voltages (around 3V) comming out of the pins SDA and SCL.
I would suggest you try the same and see if there is life on these pins.
If not i think your device might be broken.
#include <Wire.h>
void setup()
Serial.begin (9600);
} // end of setup
void loop()
Serial.println ();
Serial.println (“I2C scanner. Scanning …”);
byte count = 0;
for (byte i = 8; i < 120; i++)
Wire.beginTransmission (i);
if (Wire.endTransmission () == 0)
Serial.print (“Found address: “);
Serial.print (i, DEC);
Serial.print (” (0x”);
Serial.print (i, HEX);
Serial.println (“)”);
delay (100); // maybe unneeded?
} // end of good response
} // end of for loop
Serial.println (“Done, restarting.”);
Serial.print (“Found “);
Serial.print (count, DEC);
Serial.println (” device(s).”);
Good Luck,
Hello Luis_Kortel,
I have a Maxi-Power, i can measure the voltages on the SDA and SCL as a reference, would you like me to do this?
How did you power the backlight to the LCD, did you provide the power via the Controlino io of via a separate source?
Best Regards,
Hello Wim,
I might have a solution for you that lets you record all your variables of your press over ethernet into a PC?
It is a standard package that i have made, it records over serial, ethernet, wifi, udp, tcp … for each variable you need 1 line of code.
This is a video of the serial version, but the ethernet and others are also available.
If interested you can contact me via PM or via the links on my site.
Best regards,
Hello Ryan,
There are several Modbus libraries available on the internet.
Some of them work others do not work so good.
For my US customer I have modified it as such that it runs Modbus on a Controllino where the Modbus is the master and the device is the slave on RS485 RTU. The library has a limited support as the device is rather basic. The control of the bus runs from the interrupt handers. If interested, you can PM me and see if I can help you.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
Hello scd,
Please explain your question in more detail.
Best regards,
John Gijs
Hallo Alex,
Would you be open to share your code with us?
It is difficult to help is there are no details available.
Best Regards,
John Gijs
Hello Andreas,
I read that you have a considerable distance between your controller and your IO.
What you could do, that is use remote Modbus IO using the RS485 on your Mega.
RS485 is the way industrial remote IO buses are built since decades (Profibus, with millions of nodes worldwide is in fact based on RS485, modbus RTU also runs on this hardware layer).
There are many Modbus modules available that can be used for this (Chinese and others). A more simple solution, but more expensive in hardware could be to buy a second Controllino with RS485 port and use it as a remote IO.
One remark though:
The standard support RS485 as supplied with your Controllino is not the right way to go in your case.
What is the problem: the problem is that as long as the cpu is sending traffic, it loops until all characters are sent out and then it disables /RE on the SN65HVD08 RS485 controller. (in a solution where you need to have full duplex communication between the controllers. This is the case in most cases.)
The better way to do this is to let the interrupt hander that manages the serial IO manage this direction control as well. I have written the code to do this, and if interested, I will be happy to support you free of charge in this.
You can do in fact the same using udp messages over Ethernet. UDP is also blazing fast, the disadvantage however is that Ethernet is more destined for HMI or data logging. Udp also runs over a separate processor, so there I would not be to afraid of delays if code is handled properly.
John Gijs
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
Hello Calvin,
I think the answer to your question is in on of the replies and I can confirm it:
Both GND cand 24/12 clams are connected with eachother but you have to measure in the holes of the cables and not on the screws on top.
Nice to hear that your problem has solved.
What kind of project are you involved in, just curious to know?
Best regards,
Hello Lukas,
In the same line, sharing code, sharing documents, sharing files, is this also an option?
If you look at the Arduino forum, these facilities are state of the art, maybe these options can also be provided.
Best Regards,