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Hello Lukas,
thank you very much for your Help. The Sensor I am using is RFU620-10100 | Identifikationslösungen | SICK. And I am looking for the right sketch or code so I can connect them via Ethernet. Hope you can help me with that 🙂
thank you
Hello Lukas,
I’ve connected them, so they are communicating. But thank you
or you could help me 🙂
Because I have an H-Bridge and connected it with the Controllino, but the DO of the Controllino only gives out 12 or 24V and the Bridge works with 5V. So is there a way to get an 5V Output from the Controllino or control the Motor directly? I’ve read the Menu but I couldn’t find the answer. Does anyone know the answer?
Thank you very much in advanced
Hello Lukas,
I wanted to start to work with the RFID Sensor but first of all, Thank you for your answer.
Isn’t the Controllino a PLC? So the connection via Ethernet shouldn’t be a problem, right? Also, the Link you’ve send is for a Beckhoff Modul, would it still work for the Controllino?
Thank you very much in advance.
Thank you very much for that information. I will try that out and hope it works. Thank you.
yes but don’t I have to get it from HEX to DEC? Because then I get C0 = 192.
I’ve chosen the right Baudrate for my serial monitor and swapped the wires but I still get those blank boxes and question marks. I really don’t know what the problem is
I’ve also tried the simple_master Code from GitHub – smarmengol/Modbus-Master-Slave-for-Arduino: Modbus Master-Slave library for Arduino but the response I get is are weird signs and question marks. I’ve changed the address etc. in the Code to the numbers I have (in DEC) but it won’t work and I don’t know what the problem is.
Hello Lukas,
thank you very much for your response. I would like to ask where you got those numbers from. I’ve connected my Sensor with my Computer and Software and I’ve got the start address 192.