Activity Forums Questions & Troubleshooting SD card logging problem on Controllino maxi automation Reply To: SD card logging problem on Controllino maxi automation

  • R4C3R

    May 22, 2023 at 9:07 am

    It took me quite a while to figure this out, especailly as the code worked flawlessly on anArduino MEGA but not on a Controllino MEGA.

    So, I hope this post saves someone else time.

    On the internet I found this hint: “….However, it can be good to put a pulldown on the MISO line. That is because this line is only driven by a slave when it’s slave select line is asserted. When the bus is not used, all slave select lines are usually unasserted, so MISO floats…..”

    After soldering a 100k between MISO & GND the SD Card adapter worked flawlessly on the Controllino MEGA as well.

    PS: Is there a way to upload an image in the forum so I can show the mod I did?