Activity Forums Questions & Troubleshooting Hardware WATTEROTT MI0283QT


     Lukas updated 4 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Posts
  • brueggemann

    December 9, 2019 at 8:47 am

    Dear Controllino-Team,

    i have some struggle with the SPI communication between a 2,8″ LCD-Tocuhdisplay and the Controllino MEGA.

    The display works properly with a normal Arduino Mega but not with the Controllino.

    I am using the following X1 connector pins.

    MOSI: 51

    MISO: 50

    CLK: 52

    RST: 3

    KED: 6

    CS: 5

    ADCS 4

    In the Watterott library for the Display, I defined this pins aswell.

    The Display shows the wanted content, but doesn’t react to touch inputs.

    With the exact same programmcode on a arduino it is working flawlessly.

    Never the less i was able to reproduce the problem i am getting with the Conrollino on the Arduino.

    It shows the same Problem when i disconnect the MISO Line from the Arduino.

    It can display content but returns a constant touchpressure of 127.

    If i read the touchpressure of the display connected to the controllino it shows also 127.

    Is it possible to check the MISO Pin of the Controllino if it works properly?

    Do you have any other ideas how to fix this problem?

    I checked my wiring a couple of times now.

    Best Regards

    Felix Brüggemann

  • Lukas

    March 9, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    Dear Felix,

    it may be caused by other peripherals internally connected to the SPI bus – the RTC chip and the Ethernet chip.

    Please make sure that you properly handle the chip select signals for them.

    It is enough to call


    Controllino_RTC_init( );

    during initialization.

    Best regards,


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