Activity Forums Questions & Troubleshooting Plans for More Powerful Microcontroller

  • Plans for More Powerful Microcontroller

  • SPuJ

    October 27, 2021 at 10:33 am


    I am using Controllino Maxi Automation to control my thermal store, part of my home heating and hot water system. It has 8 OneWire DS18B20 thermometers, a flow sensor, multiple relay outputs, 2 0-10V outputs to control mixing valves via PID controllers, and 2 PWM outputs to control pump speeds (also using PIDs).

    It has worked reliably for 3 years. I love the build quality of Controllino!

    Now I am planning to add a web interface to it via the ethernet port. I feel that the 8-bit Atmega 2560 may struggle with the intended load. Are there any plans to produce a Controllino version with a higher-powered chip – an ESP32-based version perhaps?

    Many thanks and keep up the great work with the product!

  • Lukas

    November 5, 2021 at 2:22 pm


    thank you for your feedback!

    Sure there are some plans to improve the product 🙂

    Simple text based webpage should work fine even with the Atmega2560. And what about some cloud solution if you want to have glossy graphs and sliders?

    Best regards,


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