Activity Forums Questions & Troubleshooting MAXI restart continuesly (wont load) when USB attached and PC is turned off

  • MAXI restart continuesly (wont load) when USB attached and PC is turned off

  • JBio

    May 13, 2024 at 3:20 pm

    I’m having a wierd issue while experimenting system built based on MAXI controller.

    program for offline operation with a UX/UI made with VB6 using UART communication for status displayed of the MAXI operation.
    Everything worked well for a while but now for some reason there is a change…
    the system has PC attached to it via USB, in case of power outage – the system wont load back unless the PC is turned on (should load anyway when possible) or as a bias I’v attached a USB splitter between the computer and the MAXI which allows the loading with no problem.

    Is there any programing hack to allow the continues work in such case instead of the USB splitter ?

    Thank you 🙂

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