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[MAXI Automation] Analog IN and internal 5V supply deviation
I’ve tried the AnalogOutAnalogIn demo and discovered the following:
- ADC on AI12/AI13 reads 1023 already at 9.749V (should be 10.0V)
- +5V (X1) vs. GND (X1) measures 4.874V (which should be 5.0V)
- 9.749V * (5V / 4.874V) = 10.001V interesting!
Between the AIxx inputs and the analog inputs of the AVR, there must be only a voltage divider with factor 2:1 because the 10V input measurement is off by the same factor the 5V supply is off.
The 0-10V analog in/out’s are missing on the MAXI Automation pinout diagram – please fix this.
External lab power supply connected to GND of MAXI Automation and voltage measurements taken direct from this ground to the input pin.
Nothing’s connected to X1/X2, no load there, its just the MAXI Automation by itself. Multimeter used: Keysight 34461A (calibration date: 23.03.2020)
How can I tune the 5V as it is used as ADC reference voltage?
May I feed 5.000V via X1 into the MAXI Automation to overwrite the internal power supply?
Dear Friedl_AP,
When you need more precise measurement of 5V and 10V, please use internal INTERNAL2V56: a built-in 2.56V reference.
If you want to use precise external votlage, you can also use external votlage applied to the AREF pin (0 to 5V only).
Dear Jarda!
1) As shown above, the 0-10V inputs are nothing more than 2:1 resistive divider, correct? They are not documented in the manual nor on the pinout diagram.
2) If we’d switch to the 2.56V reference, we could only measure 0-5.12V (2.56V * 2), right?
3) Am I missing the secret pin to control the switch for the voltage divider on AI12 and AI13 from ratio 2:1 to ratio 3.90625:1?
Greetings from Graz
Friedl -
Dear Jarda!
Regarding your suggestion of using the AREF pin.
If you open the microcontroller manual, there on page 9, chapter “2.3 Pin Descriptions” you can read:
AVCC is the supply voltage pin for Port F and the A/D Converter. It should be externally connected to VCC, even if the ADC is not used. If the ADC is used, it should be connected to VCC through a low-pass filter.
Therefore we can assume AVCC = VCC = 4.874V as measured before.
When you scroll down to page 365, chapter ” 31.8 ADC Characteristics” you will discover that:
Vref_MIN = 1.0V and Vref_MAX = AVCC
Because we know from above that AVCC = VCC, so AREF must always be less than or equal to VCC.
If VCC = 4.874V, as demonstrated before, then supplying 5V to AREF without supplying 5V to VCC as well is out of specification.
This suggestion could be dangerous, don’t you think so?
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
Friedl. Reason: typo
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
Dear Jarda!
I’ve now tried the following:
- Switched ADC to external reference as first command of setup()
- After loading the code I switched on a lab supply (4.500 V) connected to GND/VREF on X2
- AI12 is driven by another lab supply with 4.500 V (GND=screw terminal of Controllino, measured versus GND of Controllino)
- ADC value: 602 (expected (1024/2-1)=511)
- reduce VREF till ADC value gives 1023
- VREF measured: 2.653 V (expected 4.500V/2 = 2.25V)
The internal reference is off and connecting an external reference does not really work either.
#include <Controllino.h>
* Reads out converted analog values from a screw terminal input AI12
* of CONTROLLINO using VREF on X2 as reference.
* ------------------------
* 24V ---------o--------------| 24V |
* external | | |
* supply | | |
* -------------- | CONTROLLINO MAXI |
* | Lab Supply |--------| AI12 | ---------------
* | 4.500V | | X2-VREF |--------| Lab Supply |
* -------------- | | | 4.500V |
* | | | ---------------
* | | | |
* GND ---------o--------------| GND X2-GND |---------------o
* ------------------------
* remark: AI12 = internal divider 2:1
* ATTENTION: Only switch on the lab supply on VREF after you've downloaded the code the first time!
void setup() {
void loop() {
int val = analogRead(CONTROLLINO_AI12);
Serial.print(F("raw value: ")); Serial.println(val);
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
Friedl_AP. Reason: stray DIV tags removed
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