Activity Forums Projects Equipment for hydraulic project – request

  • Equipment for hydraulic project – request

     Jarda updated 4 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 4 Posts
  • petrosh

    February 4, 2020 at 9:09 am


    Maybe it is in the wrong thread so if it is I kindly request an admin to move it to the right section.

    I would like to build a project that will monitor:

    04x Temperature Sensors

    01x Flow Sensor

    and be able to control:

    04x ON/OFF valves

    03x Three-Way mixing valves (analogue, not on/off)

    If someone has experience, would he please recommend the equipment I should use to be able to achieve this? I am sorry if I have left information out, I am available to answer any questions asked.

    Thank you,


  • Jarda

    February 24, 2020 at 12:07 pm

    Dear Petros,

    It is hard to support you with this without knowing of all background, but i will try.

    In general, CONTROLLINO contains high side switches where you can drive every solenoid ventile (12V or 24V) with maximum current of 2A. Please be careful, there will be needed freewheeling diode external because of inductive load. Search in google “solenoid valve coil 12v” and find the proper ones.

    For the controlling of 3way valve you can use CONTROLLINO MAXI Automation with 0-10V analog output – if 10V is enough for your application.

    Temperature sensors you can use with digital (for example DS18B20) or for example LM35 with analog output and measure it via CONTROLLINO analog input (maybe some signal conditioning – amplifier will be good). Flow sensor is the similar.

    Best Regards


  • petrosh

    March 4, 2020 at 2:30 pm

    Dear Jarda,

    Thank you for your reply and the time taken to assist!

    If I understood right, please correct me if I am wrong:


    The ON/OFF valves I can safely drive them ON or OFF directly if the current they absorb is <2A provided I use a Flyback Diode to protect the PLC, from the RELAY OUTPUTS (10).

    I can also drive them via an external relay from the DIGITAL 2A OUTPUTS (8)

    The temperature sensors DS18B20 I can read them from the DIGITAL INPUTS (12) (I thought that a sensor would be analogue yet not)

    The flow sensor I can read it also from the DIGITAL INPUTS (12)

    The analogue three way valve I can control it via ANALOGUE 0-10V OUTPUTS (2)

    Is that right?

    Thank you,


  • Jarda

    March 6, 2020 at 10:28 am


    yes, Valves you can control like you wrote (relay or digital output), please use Flyback diode also for digital ouptut.

    DS18B20 and flow sensor plese use pinheader and you have to implement one wire interface, if it is communication or 5V logic, use pinheader located on the top of the device with corresponding pins.

    Yes, analog via ANALOGUE 0-10V OUTPUTS (2)



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