• Beta models

  • AJW

    August 16, 2021 at 10:54 am

    Hello, I had a few questions regarding the myPLC beta models. On the configuration page it shows a USB iMX6 port. Is there a seperate microprocessor in these units running a Linux kernel? It also shows 2 RS485/422/232 serial interfaces sharing the same header but it doesn’t show which terminal corresponds to each different interface. Is there a document available I can reference for the different terminals? I am assuming RS232 is referring to TTL UART? Is the logic level voltage input/output 5vdc or 3.3vdc tolerant? Is the purpose of the USB M3 for uploading sketches? Is this a USB-C connection? I assume these devices are based on the SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3. Could you provide me with any documentation for the chipset(s). Can the MCU I/O be broken out for hardware peripherals, like the pin headers on the Controllino mini?

    Can I special order a unit with the reset pin for the MCU connected to a screw header for external reset when pulled down to ground?

    Can I order a unit with a DC motor driver that outputs 0-24vdc and a DC stepper motor driver that outputs 0/12vdc for a bipolar stepper motor using a 24vdc power supply?

    Is the SD card reader tied into the SPI bus? It looks like a great product that I am interested in using!

    • This discussion was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by  AJW.
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