I want to use the Controllino as PLC to measure distances with a Panasonic HL-G125-A-C5 ToF laser. (<font face=”inherit”>HL-G125-A-C5 | Compact Laser Displacement Sensor HL-G1 – Panasonic</font>).
This laser is feeded at 24V and it outputs from 0 to 10V depending on the lenght measured.
I want to use it with a Controllino Mega.
Does anybody know any ADC that can work directly at 10V with, at least 16Bits of resolution?
Would I have to connect it directly to the 5V pins (I guess that it would has to have a built-in voltage divider) or I can search for ADC with an I2C interface (using the A4 and A5 pins working at 12-24V).
Any help or guidance would be trully appreciated.
Greets from Barcelona.
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