Activity Forums General Discussion Pressure sensor reading w/Controllino MAXI Automation

  • Pressure sensor reading w/Controllino MAXI Automation

  • dlee-upt

    January 26, 2022 at 8:25 pm

    Hello Controllino world,

    I have been experimenting around with sensors and the Controllino Maxi Automation and I came across using a pressure sensor. Now I was able to hook everything up and write a simple Arduino code to get the reading of the pressure sensor but now I need help on converting the analog input I am reading into a pressure value (psi, torr, kPa). Could anyone help me or point me to the right direction?

    My code is below:

    #include <Controllino.h>

    const int pressureInput = CONTROLLINO_AI11;

    const double pressureZero = 82.0;

    const double pressureMax = 921.6;

    const int pressureTransducerMaxPSI = 100000;

    const int baudRate = 9600;

    const int sensorReadDelay = 250;

    float pressureValue = 0;

    void setup() {


    pinMode(pressureInput, INPUT);


    void loop() {

    pressureValue = analogRead(pressureInput);

    //pressureValue = ((pressureValue-pressureZero)*pressureTransducerMaxPSI)/(pressureMax-pressureZero);

    Serial.print(“pressure value: “);

    Serial.println(pressureValue, 1);



    • This discussion was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by  dlee-upt.
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